Unilever Limited
Mr. Harish Manwani Non-Executive Chairman of HUL
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest Fast Moving Consumer GoodsCompany, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in Home & Personal Care Products and Foods & Beverages.
A few words to start with ............
Brief History
Mr. Harish Manwani Non-Executive Chairman of HUL
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest Fast Moving Consumer GoodsCompany, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in Home & Personal Care Products and Foods & Beverages.
A few words to start with ............
•India's largest FMCG
•A subsidiary of Unilever which
holds 52% of the equity
•2 out of 3 Indians use its products
•Over 42 factories across India
•Around 45% of HUL’s sales turnover of
Rs. 17,524 crore comes
from rural markets,
valued at around Rs. 8,000 croreBrief History
Lever Brothers started its operations in India in the summer
of 1888. Crates full of Sunlight soap bars, imprinted with the words "Made
in England by Lever Brothers" were shipped to the Kolkata harbour from
England. This was the first product
through which Lever Brothers made their presence felt in the Indian market.
Within few years Unilever started to expand their business
in different parts across India. Lever
Brothers appointed agents in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, and Karachi(part of
Undivided India). For the next three decades Unilever launched many varied
products in the Indian market.
Integrated Management System
Focus on Service
1895 - Lifebuoy soap was launched
1902 -Pears soap was introduced
1903 - Brooke Bond Red Label tea launched
1905 - Lux flakes introduced.
1913 -Vim scouring powder introduced.
1914 - Vinolia soap launched in India.
1918 - Vanaspati introduced.
1922 - Rinso soap powder introduced.
1924 - Gibbs dental preparations launched
1996 -Formation of Hul
1969- Rin bar an
1972 ClinicPlus were introduced both
of which made HuL take a firm platform.
1968 - Mr. V. G. Rajadhyaksha takes over as Chairman from
Mr. Prakash Tandon (the first indian director) 1982- the
Government allowed 51% Unilever shareholding.
1993 -HLL's largest competitor, Tata Oil Mills Company
(TOMCO), merged with the company. Brooke Bond India acquired Kissan Business
from the UB Group and Dollops icecream business from Cadbury . 2007- the company was renamed as “Hindustan Unilever Limited”.
The four pillars
- Create
a better future everyday
- Help
people feel good, look good & get more out of life with brands &
services that are good for them & for others
- Inspire
people to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big difference
for the world
- Develop new ways of doing business that double the size of the company while reducing environmental impact.
- Add Vitality to Life
- Meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life
- Total commitment to exceptional standards of performance and productivity
Product Line
- Personal care products.
- Home care products.
- Food products
Lux BreezeLifebuoy DoveLiril PearsHamam Rexona2) Laundry 3) Skin CareSurf Excel Fair and lovelyRin Pond’sWheel Aviance4) Hair care 5) Oral careSunsilk naturals PepsodentClinic Close up6) Deodorants 7) Colour CosmeticsAxe LakmeRexona8) Ayurvedic Personal and health care: AyushB) FOODS1) Tea : Brooke Bond Lipton 2) Coffee3) Foods : Kissan Knor Annapurna4) Ice cream : Kwality wallsC) WATER PURIFIERPureit
Chief Command Chart
Swot analysis
- ü Variety of products
- ü Distribution Network
- ü Brand image
- ü Quality Management
- ü Innovation and R&D strength
- ü From High Class Competitor
- ü Proctor & Gamble
- ü Pantene
- ü Dabur
- ü Babool
- ü Dabourlal Dent Manjan
- ü Reckitt Benckiser
- ü Dettol
- ü Palmolive
- ü Colgate, Nirma
- ü Huge Market
- ü Increasing per capital income
- ü Increasing consumption pattern
- ü Potential for making more impact of brand image.
- ü Coming in technology e.g. in water purifiers
- ü Not able to compete with local competitor in the rural market
- ü Not focus on upper class population
- ü Pricing policy is not good
Integrated Management System
Marketing Strategies
- Straddling the pyramid & deploying full portfolio
- To meet every need of people everywhere
For Rural India
• For long term benefits, HUL started
Project Streamline in 1997
• Integrate Economic, Environment
& Social objectives with
Business agenda
• Project Shakti, a partnership with
Self Help Groups of rural women extended to about 15 states in 80,000 villages
with 45,000 women entrepreneurs generating Rs.700 to1000 per month for each woman
- Customer feedback is the best way to improve the product
- Add benefit schemes like discount vouchers for customers who give feedback
- Get feedback from customers on various products and on nutrition, health and hygiene education, empowering livelihoods and eco-efficiency
- Company image will move from pure product based to product-service based company
- Customer will feel more valued in turn brand loyalty can be created and maintained
- Product is better accepted by customer would result in increased sales
Cost and waste Reduction
- Constantly monitor and re-engineer operations to reduce waste and improve production process
- Putting palm oil waste to good use
- Reusing waste plastic to make jewellery & flower pots
- Reduced manufacturing cost & waste would result in high margins and more profit
- Better utilisation of resources
- Additional products from waste would add to product portfolio
Corporate Social Responsibility
Watch here Leena Nair , Executive Director of Hul, Speaking about the CSR activities :
- Women empowerment
- Plays active role in natural calamities
- Hindustan Unilever ltd. Is a leading FMCG company in India and from last three consecutive years has shown accelerated growth in FMCG portfolio. Customers in India are also spending more in FMCG as their standard of living is growing.
- HUL has placed itself successfully in the position of market leader in FMCG products. Though there was some downfall in sales and profit of the company in the beginning of this decade but after that HUL has shown considerable rise in both sales and profit. The future of the company is also looking bright as FMCG market in India is still expanding and so we can safely conclude that HUL will be able to secure its number one position in FMCG product.
- HUL has also started project SHAKTI that has provided it direct reach to rural market. This may be considered a revolutionary step since the urban market is reaching its saturation level and there is a huge scope exploring rural market.
- This will also be helpful not only increasing its market share but also fight competition.
References :
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